Greetings from YFL!!! This is the 5th week of the month, thus that equates to Bonus Week!!! Deb’s physical practices will center around Sukha (Yin)-Stirha (Yang) Plus (+)=Yoga Nidra. The practice sequence will equalize the energy forces of yin and yang, and will conclude with Deb leading you into a deep subconscious level of the mind, or into the yogis’ sleepless sleep state via a script for Yoga Nidra. This will prepare you for a deeply relaxed state into savasana. Deb will provide more details in class, and this topic will be featured in her September YFL newsletter!!! The Sanskrit focus is “Metta”, or “lovingkindness”, for self and all sentient beings. The supporting mudra (hand gesture) is the “Earth Hand Pose”, or Prithivi, and it promotes sharpened sense of smell, liver cleansing, strong hair, nails, and bones. It helps with spirituality and mood changes. Our meditation focus is also “Metta”, or “lovingkindness”. The music I have provided on the blog for meditation this week is the classic, Claire de Lune.
Special events for September include the following: YFL will be OPEN on 9/1, but CLOSED Monday, 9/3, in observance of Labor Day.The September YFL Newsletter will be on your email desk at 10 a.m. on 9/1!!! Reiki I training is on 9/16, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. @ $150, led by Kim. Deb will lead the Fall Equinox Drum Circle on 9/23, from 5 p.m.-6 p.m., and it is FREE. Sophie’s “Yoga for Grief” workshop will be on 9/29, from 1-3 p.m. @ $25. Deb is still working on our YFL Fall Retreat, and our second seasonal Tibetan Bowl Healing Concert will be sometime in December.
I recently took a trip to Texas to visit family, and had many fine subs for my classes!!! Their compassion, responsibility, and expertise give me peace of mind, while away!!! A big SHOUT OUT of THANKS to Sophie, Joyce, and Nicole for a job well done!!!—Namaste’, Deb
It is going to be another fabulous week at YFL, and as always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb
“Feelings are just visitors. Let them come and go.—Mooji