2/17-2/22/14: This week @ YFL!!!

Greetings Yogis and Yoginis!!! YES, we are OPEN for classes today!!! Our theme this week is ‘STRESS BUSTING’!!! We will continue our plank challenge as we proceed to 2:30 minutesphoto-443. Our practice will involve stress releasing breath techniques, a full body mudra called TAGADI, which helps encounter and conquer challenges, and our Sanskrit focus is ‘MANDALA’. Mandala is described as a circle of connection, community, and healing. They are sacred geometric shapes used for meditation purposes as well. Our physical practice will involve classic hatha movement, our balance focus is the Dancer’s pose, and we will conclude with some restorative poses. It is going to be a great week on the mat at YFL, and we would love to share it with you.—Namaste’, Deb