Virtual Week #9-Yin for the Back @ The Wall +

Greetings from YFL!!! We begin week #9 of our ‘virtual classes’. This week’s will feature Yin @ The Wall + for the Back!!! So, pull up your mat to the wall, and be ready to relax, and strengthen your back. Our Sankskrit focus is ‘Sat Nam’, which is, Truth is my Essence, Truth is my Nature, Truth is my Truth, and Truth is Truth. Our mudra (hand gesture) is Bhramara, or the Bee Mudra. We fold the the thumb to the middle finger, and the remaining fingers are in extension. This mudra promotes connection, and belonging. It also helps promote a strong immune system, and defense against allergies. Our meditation focus is ‘Being Connected’, and our music for contemplation is David Lanz’s ‘Blue Largo’.

Wednesday-Yin w/Deb

Friday-Gentle w/Sophie

Sunday-Meditation w/Deb

Later this week I will be posting the YFL Re-OPEN Document. It will outline requirements by the CDC, Federal, State, County, and City governments for resuming business in Phase 3. It will include a list of things that I must provide as a business for safe re-entry, and a list of things that you must do as clients. So, stay tuned for this document to come via this blog. It will also be posted in the window of the studio.

For those of you that might not feel comfortable about returning to the studio initially, I will continue providing the ‘virtual classes’, but for a fee. That information will be forthcoming as well.

Let’s enjoy staying connected, although separated through our physical and spiritual practices.

We can’t wait to see you on the mat very soon!!! Until we do, be well, be kind, and stay safe!!!—Namaste’, Deb

“When we give, we live, but when we withhold we perish”.-Rumi