“Step out of your comfort zone- that’s the way to grow”: Perhaps you can relate. I believe many people who begin a yoga practice are stepping out of the comfortable zone of fitness centers or walking/running or sitting too much. To grow, should we add something different?  And, if we do, what will happen?    For me, yoga signaled the beginning of a long learning process, one that continues today. Before yoga I knew some about the body’s workings. But, I didn’t know that the 4th and 5th toes, when activated, will also activate the peroneal muscles which help to stabilize our knees.  I also didn’t realize that the pectoralis minor muscle is a major contributor to poor posture, tightening as we slouch over a computer or book. And on, an on, and on.     This new awareness extends to a knowledge of my own abilities. How great is it to know that I can stand on one leg?  How humbling is it to know that I may only be able to stay for a few seconds. Strengths and weaknesses.     I’ve heard yoga poses referred to as “works of art”.  After many years of practice, I now consider all my yoga poses beautiful no matter the level of difficulty. Just trying is a beautiful action.    Awareness and beauty–all because I stepped out of my comfort zone and onto a yoga mat.