To the Wall!!!

Greetings from YFL!!! This week we travel to The Wall with our mats!!! The Wall  will serve us in three ways-alignment, focus, and resistance!!! Our hand gesture or mudra is the “Shuni”, which will connect us to the fire element, and promote patience, discipline, stability, and strength to forge ahead through difficulties in our lives. Our meditation focus for the week is “Patience”, and may be contemplated while listening to James Hood’s “Imaginary Friend”.

This week’s Yin focus is “Chakra Balancing”. We will use symbols, colors, and Tibetan Bowl notes, as well as yoga asanas to balance our energy wheels.

Drum Circle for the Winter Solstice season is this Sunday (1/20) from 5-6 p.m., and is FREE!!! Bring an instrument of choice and a friend or two!!! Deb does have instruments for borrowing, as well!!!

Reiki I training is 1/27 with Kim. There is still time to register. Contact Deb for registration info!!!

Try some new classes with Summer: Tuesdays at 6 and 7:30 p.m., Glow & Restore and Yoga Basics, respectively!!!

Sophie’s Yoga for Grief workshop will be offered on 2/23 from 1-3 p.m. @ $25-registration is open.

Deb and Carol are planning a Yoga-Hike for sometime in April. Stay tuned for the details!!!

“Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony”.—Debasish Mridha