Wall Week (Weak)!!!

IMG_6155     Greetings Yogis and Yoginis!!! Yes, it is time to increase your strength and stability, as we once again utilize the resistance of the wall. Deb will also be introducing the concept of the “Foot Pyramid” for proper balance and alignment in all standing poses. We will also be exploring the release of “Myofascial Tissue” along the back side of the body to enhance safer, deeper forward bends. Our Sanskrit focus is “JIKAN”, or that sacred space of silence between our thoughts. Our Mudra is the “ANAHATA”, or heart hand gesture, which connects us to the energy of love and compassion. This week’s meditation music is “A Moment in Time” by Ann Sweeten. Your meditation focus is “Silent Energy”.

A new 5-week session of Meditation I begins tomorrow evening, 4/19, at 7:30. Deb will lead an introductory course on the practice of meditation. You will create a “tool box” of about 17 techniques for dropping into a meditative state, and learn the myriad of benefits to incorporating the practice into your daily routine. Deb has written a manual for this course, which is included in the price of the class. The cost is $70. You may still register today.

The next YTT (Teacher Training Unit) is open to the community on 5/13-5/15/16. This 15-hour unit will be exploring in depth The Chakra Yoga program, and basic Meditation techniques. The cost for non-teacher trainees is $195. Registration is open through 5/1/16. Non trainees will meet 3-4 hours each day. The schedule is 11-2/3 p.m. on 5/13 & 5/14, and 9:30-12:30 on 5/15.

As always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb