
photo-405 As mentioned in yesterday’s post, we will be exploring our practice with the use of the wall as a prop for many of our poses. it should be interesting, different, and yet challenging. Our Sanskrit focus is “Shree” or “Sri”, which means a person of prosperity, abundance, and light. Our mudra for the week will be “Naga”, which symbolizes supernatural strength, wisdom, shrewdness, and potency. It is sometimes called the mudra of deeper insight.  Sophie’s fourth Pranayama workshop will meet on Saturday, 12/14, from 2-3:30 p.m., and she will address the chakras and breath. Deb will begin a new four session Intro to Yoga class on Tuesday evening from 7:30-8:30 p.m., 12/10. You may still email or call to register for either of these events. We look forward to seeing you on the mat next week.—Namaste’, Deb