Resist the Wall & Happy 12th Anniversary YFL!!!

Wow, Wow, and Wow!!! Where have 12 years gone?!!! The answer is…”ON THE MAT”,  with wonderful times, people, adventures, yoga, kirtan, and meditation!!! I would like to extend my utmost gratitude and thanks to all of you for making this anniversary celebration possible. It is your support and attendance throughout the years that has made it possible!!! We never take your attendance for granted, and are humbled!!! Twelve years is a most auspicious number to celebrate!!! All week Deb will be offering treats (Rooibos Chai Tea & Dark Chocolate covered almonds w/sea salt)…no tricks, and drawings for door prizes!!! Come join the fun!!!

This week’a practice finds us back at the The Wall for resistance, focus, and alignment!!! Our Sanskrit focus is “DHANYA VAD”, or a big thank you for 12 years of service and teaching to the Temecula Valley!!! Our hand gesture (mudra) is for “Thankfulness”, and acknowledging what is good!!! It also promotes healthy lungs, and a strong immune system!!!

The Yin practice will help you balance your Chakra system, and will include the sounding of the Tibetan Bowls!!!

Our meditation focus is “Gratitude”, and may be contemplated upon while listening to Kiran Murti’s “Sweet Dreams”.

There are just a few spots left for the “Tibetan Bowl Sound Healing Concert”!!! Sign up ASAP!!! The date is 12/8, the time is 1-3 p.m., and the cost is $25!!!

It will be another fabulous week at YFL, and as always we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, and Dhanya Vad, Deb!!!