Triple “R” Week: Restore, Renew, and Relax!!!


Greetings Yogis and Yoginis!!!! We ALL worked hard last week with our “weight bearing” challenge, so this week we will ALL relax, restore, and renew!!! Yes, it is “Restorative Week” at YFL!!! Our Sanskrit focus is “Santosha”, or seeking a sense of contentment in all that we do and experience in life. Our hand gesture (mudra) focus is “Vitality” or “Staying Young”. Your meditation focus is “Equanimity” of “Finding Balance” in life. You may focus on your meditation, while listening to Ann Sweeten’s “A Place in the Sun”.

Our Spring Schedule will commence on March 20th!!! The one change is on Saturday mornings with Deb’s second class. It is now Sukha-Stirha, or Yin-Yang, and is an hour long blending of strength and grace.

Our special events for March include “Yogapuncture” workshop on 3/25 from 3-5 p.m. We have just a few slots remaining, so book your reservation. We ask that you pre-pay, and the cost is $40. Our seasonal Drum Circle is this coming Sunday, March 12th, from 5-6 p.m., and it is FREE!!! Bring your rhythm instrument of choice, or borrow one at the studio!!!

Also, announcing that our annual Spring Yoga-Hike will be on Friday, April 7th. We will meet at the Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Center at 11:30 a.m. Carol will guide us on a gentle hike replete with interesting facts on its geology, flora, and fauna. The flowers should be spectacular this year!!! Deb will lead us through a gentle yoga practice at the Oak Grove, and upon completion of our hike out, we will meet at the picnic area for lunch. This event is FREE!!! We do ask that you register at the studio!!!

It is going to be a fun month at YFL!!! We can’t with to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb