‘Weight Time’ (8/5-8/10/19)

Greetings from YFL, and Happy August!!! We usher in the ‘Down Dog Days of Summer’ this month!!! This week is ‘Weight Time’!!! We will add 1 or 2 lb. hand weights to enhance strength building, sculpting, and toning during our practice this week!!! Our Sanskrit focus is ‘Siddho Hum’, or ‘I am Wholeness’. Our hand gesture (mudra) is ‘Be Kind’, or ‘Apan-Vayu’. This gesture promotes a healthy heart, and a practice of inner and outer kindness. Our meditation focus is ‘World Peace’, AUM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. Music for meditation-‘One Moment in Time’ by Ann Sweeten.

This week’s Yin practice will promote ‘Healthy Digestion’.

Please note that Jan is away on retreat this week, and Qigong WILL NOT MEET on 8/5, but will resume at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, 8/12.

Our Quarterly Tibetan Bowl Healing Concert will be on Saturday, September 7th, from 1-3 p.m. The concert will be preceded by Yoga Nidra practice with Deb to help ease you into a deep state of inner consciousness, and enhance your Tibetan Bowl experience. The cost is $25, and pre-registration and payment are required. SPACE IS LIMITED, so sign up ASAP!!!

Sophie’s Quarterly ‘Yoga For Emotional Liberation’ workshop is Saturday, 8/28, from 1-3 p.m. @ $25. Pre-registration and payment are required!!! SPACE IS LIMITED!!! Sign up ASAP!!!

It will be warm again this week, so enjoy some deep stretching and relaxation in a comfortable space at YFL this week to beat the heat!!! As always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb

“Laughter is carbonated holiness”. Anne Lamott