Weight Week @ YFL

photo-571   Greetings from YFL, and happy November!!! This first week of the month we will return to sculpting, toning, and strengthening with the use of hand weights, and a heavy emphasis on bearing our own body weight. As always, the use of hand weights is optional. Our mudra focus is “Purusa”, or “Spirit” or “Individual Soul”, and our mudra is for improving our respiration and clearing our bronchials, the “Bronchial Mudra”.

This week’s meditation focus is actually for the entire month, and that is expressing gratitude. Enjoy the music that I have attached for your meditation times. Also, Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey start a new 21-Meditation challenge, 11/3, and it is FREE!!! Sign-up online!!!  Have a great week, and we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!  P.S.-Kathy Crabbe offers her first Creative Soul workshop on Friday, 11/7 @ 6:30 p.m.  Details are in this month’s newsletter.