Wall Week: Align, Focus, and Strengthen!!!

Greetings from YFL!!! It is ‘Wall Week’ on the mat!!! We will use the wall as a prop for alignment, focus, and strength!!! Our Sanskrit focus is ‘AUM’, or the primordial sound from the creation of the Universe. It’s vibrational energy is a unifying force when chanted in unison. Our hand gesture (mudra) is the Vayu or ‘wind mudra’, which promotes our affirmations, intentions, and helps provide relief form sciatica, and arthritis.

Our Yin practice will emphasize a ‘healthy back’, as we work the full range of motion of the spine.

Our meditation focus will be ‘Inner Power’, and may be contemplated to the music of Bhakti Hreem’s ‘Devotion’.

There will be some minor changes in the Spring Schedule at YFL. So, watch for the changes to be posted on the website by the end of this week!!!

3/25-Quigong begins with Jan Tucker @ 6:30 p.m.-$15 drop in, or $60 for 5 classes.

4/6-Tibetan Bowl Healing Sound Concert w/Betty & Peter, 1-3 p.m. @ $25

4/7-Reiki I training w/Kim, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. @ $144

4/12-Yoga Hike w/Carol & Deb @ 8:30-10:30 a.m. @ The Santa Rosa Plateau, $4 parking fee per person-we will meet at the Visitor Center.

“In silence there is eloquence. Stop weaving and see how the pattern improves”.—Rumi