Weight Week!!!

Greetings Yogis and Yoginis!!!

I am fresh back from Sedona filled with energy and restoration!!! We had a wonderful retreat, and I can’t wait to share the stories and experiences and photos with all of you!!!

This week we return to strengthening, toning, and sculpting by bearing our own body weight, and using external hand weights. Our Sanskrit focus is “Sukham Stirham Asanam”, or “Sweet, steady, asana”. This is the blending of ease and strength within each pose we take, and is the true essence of any yoga practice.

Our weekly mudra is the HRIM, or heart mudra, which evokes and invokes a releasing of the heartstrings to promote Oneness, Unity, and connection.

Sophie’s “Seasonal Transition Ayurvedic” workshop is this Saturday from 2-4 p.m. @ a cost of $25/person. She will cover the Ayurvedic perspectives of staying balanced through a seasonal change with diet, yoga, and meditation practices. There is still time to sign-up!!!

Next week YFL will be celebrating its 8th-Year anniversary, so come join the fun, and activities!!! As always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Debphoto-456