Greetings from YFL!!! Your practice is ‘just that’…’Your Yoga’. This is a split week between July and August, so it is ‘Bonus Week’. Each class votes on a practice of Sukha-Stirrha (Yin-Yang), or Restorative!!! Majority rules!!! Our Sanskrit focus is ‘Shivo Hum’, or ‘My awareness is pure, creative stillness’. Our mudra (hand gesture) is the classic ‘Prayer’, which connects to ‘Source’. Our meditation focus is ‘Shanti’, Peace. The music selection for meditation is from Tom Barabas’ CD ‘Clouds’, and the song is Moon Dust.
This week’s Yin practice will open the hips…our ‘Happy Hips’ sequence!!!
If you know anyone interested in Yoga Basics or Meditation I, Deb is now offering those classes by appointment for individuals or small groups. Just email or call to set up a day and time that works for your schedule.
Sophie is continuing to offer ‘Yoga For Emotional Liberation’ on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:15 p.m., and Summer’s Friday morning classes are ongoing with Yin @ 8:15 & Glow & Restore @ 9:30!!!
It will be a wonderful week at YFL, and as always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb
“Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows”.—Native American Proverb