Monthly Archives: March 2017

Sukha-Stirha Bonus Week!!!


Greetings from YFL!!!

We have a bonus week this month!!! This week will be a wonderfully blended practice of Classic Hatha, both its Yang and Yin qualities, which are called Sukha (Yin) and Stirha (Yang) in Sanskrit!!! Our mudra focus is the grounding hand gesture, and this helps promote connection and stabilization. Our Sanskrit focus is Dhyana (Zen), and is one of our eight limbs of yoga. This is the limb of deep connection to Universal Energy as our Source for meditation and contemplation. Your meditation focus is “To stay grounded”, and is set to James Hood’s Pure Ceremony Music.

Kim is offering her Mommy & Me class today from 11 a.m.-Noon. The cost is $10 for one child, or $15 for two. Moms, Grandmoms, Aunts, Friends may bring babies through four year olds to the practice!!!

Sandi Kimmel’s EnCHANTing workshop is on April 8th, from 1-3 p.m. She will be introducing us to the healing effects of sound via chanting in both English and Sanskrit. The cost is $15 prepay or $20 at the door. This is going to be a wonderful experience.

Deb and Carol are hosting their annual Yoga-Hike to the Santa Rosa Plateau on April 7th. We will meet at the Visitor Center at 11:30 a.m. Please register at the studio.

It is going to be another great week at YFL!!! As always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb

Classic Hatha Week: Spring Equinox Celebration


Greetings from YFL!!!  Happy Spring Equinox!!! This week’s Classic Hatha practice will usher in the Spring Equinox, as we practice in a Sadhana Circle, and incorporate lots of Sun Salutations!!! Our mudra (hand gesture) is my favorite, USHAS, or to connect to all things good. Our Sanskrit focus is PRASADA, or to sit in a state of grace, a Universal Gift!!! Our meditation focus is “Spring Forth”, and is set to music, “The Butterfly Waltz” from Classical Yoga Piano. So come circle up!!!

Our Spring Schedule begins today, and all of our March and April offerings are listed on the Class Schedule page at the bottom under Special Events!!! Kim offers her monthly Mommy & Me class today at 11 a.m., Yogapuncture is this Saturday with Ashley and Monica from 3-5 p.m., and Sandi’s EnCHANTing workshop is on Saturday, April 8th from 1-3 p.m. Carol and Deb will be guiding your Yoga-Hike at the Santa Rosa Plateau on 4/7 from 11:30-1:30 p.m. It will be a fun filled Spring!!! Come join us!!!

As always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb

Wall Warriors!!!


Greetings from YFL!!!

It is time to meet at the “WALL” for Wall Warrior Week!!! Deb has a couple of new asanas for you at the wall!!! Hopefully everyone has made it through the time change without harm!!! We had an awesome Drum Circle last evening!!! Your next drumming opportunity will be at the Summer Solstice on June 25th, from 5-6 p.m.!!! It is FREE and so much FUN!!! This week’s practice will utilize the wall as a prop of resistance, strength, and alignment!!! Our Sanskrit focus is “Pratyahara”, or to turn the senses inward, to disconnect from external stimuli, and to completely connect the mind and the body via the breath and movement. Our mudra for the week will be the “Skankh” or shell hand gesture. This represents your higher self, and your intuition. This mudra aligns perfectly with pratyahara, as you drop deep within to find the answers you are seeking. The left thumb represents the pearl within the right hand or shell. Your meditation focus is “Resolve”, or your daily intent, and is set to the music of “Claire de Lune”.

Our Spring Schedule begins next week, although there are no changes in our offerings. They remain the same through June. Kim begins her monthly Mommy & Me Yoga class next Monday, 3/20, from 11 a.m.-Noon. It is a class for Mom and child bonding via the practice of yoga, dance, breath, and movement. It is designed for babies through 4 years old. The cost is $10 for one child, or $15 for two. Please pre-register and pre-pay. The “Yogapuncture “Workshop with Ansley and Monica is on 3/25 from 3-5 p.m., and the EnCHANTING workshop with Sandi is on 4/8 from 1-3 p.m. If you have questions, or would like to register, please call, email, or drop-in to the studio.

Have a fabulous week, and as always, we can’t wait to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb

Triple “R” Week: Restore, Renew, and Relax!!!


Greetings Yogis and Yoginis!!!! We ALL worked hard last week with our “weight bearing” challenge, so this week we will ALL relax, restore, and renew!!! Yes, it is “Restorative Week” at YFL!!! Our Sanskrit focus is “Santosha”, or seeking a sense of contentment in all that we do and experience in life. Our hand gesture (mudra) focus is “Vitality” or “Staying Young”. Your meditation focus is “Equanimity” of “Finding Balance” in life. You may focus on your meditation, while listening to Ann Sweeten’s “A Place in the Sun”.

Our Spring Schedule will commence on March 20th!!! The one change is on Saturday mornings with Deb’s second class. It is now Sukha-Stirha, or Yin-Yang, and is an hour long blending of strength and grace.

Our special events for March include “Yogapuncture” workshop on 3/25 from 3-5 p.m. We have just a few slots remaining, so book your reservation. We ask that you pre-pay, and the cost is $40. Our seasonal Drum Circle is this coming Sunday, March 12th, from 5-6 p.m., and it is FREE!!! Bring your rhythm instrument of choice, or borrow one at the studio!!!

Also, announcing that our annual Spring Yoga-Hike will be on Friday, April 7th. We will meet at the Santa Rosa Plateau Nature Center at 11:30 a.m. Carol will guide us on a gentle hike replete with interesting facts on its geology, flora, and fauna. The flowers should be spectacular this year!!! Deb will lead us through a gentle yoga practice at the Oak Grove, and upon completion of our hike out, we will meet at the picnic area for lunch. This event is FREE!!! We do ask that you register at the studio!!!

It is going to be a fun month at YFL!!! We can’t with to see you on the mat!!!—Namaste’, Deb